If you call into our offices, you might hear the friendly voice of a Mission staff member or the cheerful tones of our volunteer receptionists. At our administrative offices, two of our most faithful volunteers are Laura (not to be confused with
CRM Employee, i.e. the other Laura) and Joyce. Laura has been faithfully coming for over a year, and Joyce has been with us for four. We are so grateful to our many volunteers for meals, etc.; however, as we transition the administrative offices to our
Maplewood Center, we're hoping to be able to "clone" Laura and Joyce by finding other volunteers, with daytime availability, willing to serve in the same capacity. We need friendly people who can 1) help people bringing donations or needing information on our services and 2) work in our personal needs room. Some phone use will be involved, but we are willing to train anyone interested. Please call Cheryl or "the other Laura" at 517.485.0145 or email
cheryl@lcrm.org or
laura@lcrm.org if you are interested in learning more about this volunteer opportunity.