Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Building Blocks for Life Transformation

The City Rescue Mission of Lansing provides a Life Transformation Program to men and women who are seeking to overcome drug and/or alcohol addiction. We are excited to be able to offer this opportunity to people who 1) need more in-depth "treatment" and 2) cannot afford the costs of a rehabilitation program. Your gifts help us to help those seeking Life Transformation.

While reviewing their many blessings in 2012, the women in our program wanted to be sure to give their personal thanks to those whose gifts are helping them reach their goal of Life Transformation:
We would like to thank the City Rescue Mission and the Women's Life Transformation Program for all that they have done for us this year. We are very thankful to everyone who donated their time, supplies, and even Christmas gifts for our children. Without God and each and every one of you, it would be impossible for us to transform our hearts, minds, and lives to glorify God!
These feelings of gratitude our echoed by the men on our program, as well as by staff. We recognize that without your support we would be unable to meet the needs of our students.
Below is a wish list of some "extra" items for both areas of the program:

Men's Program
Life Application Study Bible (NKJV), hard copy or leather bound
XL Bible Covers (for men)
Mach 3 refillable razors and blades
Greatest Area of Need: Employment. Our men are in great need of jobs during their final months with us and after they graduate. We are especially appreciative for employers who could be an encouragement and support for these men.

Women's Program
Bathroom Scale
Lap desks
Kitchen items, such as microwave safe containers with lids
Laundry baskets
Current calendars in a planner style
Great Area of Need: A doctor who can assist with the care of our students and be supportive of our work with them and their place in the Mission's Life Transformation Program.

For more information on the program, you can check out the brochure for men or for women.