Recently, we received a call from one of our Fellow Rescuers. Karen had participated with a church drive last year to provide Christmas gifts for the men who stay in our shelter. Although the church had chosen another focus for 2013, Karen still wanted to provide some gifts for those in need. We were excited by her request because the men at the Mission are usually overlooked at Christmas. Although Karen cannot provide gifts for all 70 men who will call the Mission "home" this holiday season, she wondered if others would be willing to join her efforts to make a difference in the lives of those who are truly needy. We hope you will consider helping her help others. While the Mission meets immediate needs for food and shelter, your gift would help remind them of the "hope" we also offer. At Christmas time, we celebrate the greatest gift ever given to mankind, God himself wrapped in a small baby, in a humble stable, in a small town. The men who come to us have learned humility the hard way. Your compassion can provide a bright memory this Christmas.
Below is a list of items to place in each Christmas bag. Our goal is to make every bag standard, as these are all items the men can use. Feel free to fill the bags and bring them right to the Mission (607 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing). You can include a Christmas card or note of encouragement, but we ask that you do not include any personal information.
Men's Christmas Bag Items:
Soap (in a ziploc bag)
Shaving Cream
Twin Blade Razors
Cough Drops
Kleenex (small packs)
Hand Warmers
Gloves (ski type)
Knit Hat
Warm Scarf (if possible)
Card/Note of Encouragement (no personal information please!)