Then he arrived at his destination, the City Rescue Mission of Lansing, and something am
Included on the signs were a telephone number and, just in case the barrel should get lost, an address. How happy the barrel was to be something special after all. Proudly puffing out his chest (which didn't make much of a difference because barrels are all round any way), he showed off the signs as badges of honor. When the men came and loaded the barrel into the van, he knew he was on his way to do great things.
Sadly, the poor barrel, that would have been something special, never got to reach his potential. The company that called and asked for the barrel to collect non-perishable food items to help people...well...they changed their mind. And when the Mission called to ask how the barrel was doing, they could never get an answer.
Finally, the man in cha

All the people at the Mission were shocked and saddened to see what had happened to the once-bright yellow barrel. And they were so grateful to the many other companies who ask for Mission barrels and recognize them for what they truly are, something special. And those other companies work hard to fill those barrels with things that people can use, things they care for, things that are needed.
Because those "things" do make a difference. They help us show men, women, and children (who sometimes feel damaged and unwanted) that they really can be something special after all. That they have the potential to be and to do great things.
Thank you for being a rescuer. Thank you for helping us help others. And thanks for being kind to our yellow barrels, that carry a special message of hope, and love, and rescue, to those in need.
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